Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Living in a World of Warcraft: the Complex Sociality of Virtual Worlds

Living in a World Of Warcraft: The Complex Sociality of Virtual Worlds Through the convergence of gaming, the internet and Web 2. 0 technologies, the virtual worlds of Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) have emerged: complex new social and cultural environments that bring with them tremendous opportunities for learning. This convergence of contexts, a defining feature of new media, combines the potential sociality of the internet with the fun and challenge of gaming, blurring the lines between entertainment, play, information and socialisation (de Freitas & Griffiths, 2008, p. 1). Through fantasy-styled role-playing MMOG (MMORPG) World of Warcraft (WoW), I will explore evidence of the benefits and drawbacks of these new forms of sociality, and examine ways in which of MMORPGs show potential to develop new social practices and ways of learning, both from a player/learner perspective (Jenkins, 2006; Shaffer, Squire, Halverson & Gee, 2005, p. 106), and in terms of studying and u nderstanding social dynamics of human groups on a larger scale (Szell & Thurner, 2010, p. 14). WoW's enormous success exemplifies the massive social phenomenon of online gaming and virtual worlds (Shaffer, Squire, Halverson & Gee, 2005, p. 106). Released in 2004, Steinkuehler & Williams describe WoW as â€Å"the latest step in a progression of social games† (2006, p. 887), referring to the many evolutions in this style of game since its early origins in Dungeons and Dragons-style pencil and paper games (Bradford, 2010, p. 7). Socialisation and the building of relationships is central to the game, which attracts an extremely broad audience worldwide: within 5 years of release, WoW's subscriber base grew to 11. 5 million (Bradford, 2010, p. 56). Steinkuehler & Williams posit that – as new social environments outside of home, school and work – virtual worlds can provide a social context akin to â€Å"pubs, coffee shops, and other hangouts† (2006, p. 889).Cha t channels within the game not only facilitate in-game activities, they also carry â€Å"constant conversation about the game and topics well beyond it† (Steinkuehler & Williams, 2006, p. 894), to the extent that the in-game social interaction is considered by some players to be more important than the actual gameplay (Stetina, Kothgassner, Lehenbauer & Kryspin-Exner, 2010, p. 473). The virtual worlds of MMOGs – such as WoW's Azeroth – are â€Å"known for their peculiar combination of designed ‘escapist fantasy' and emergent ‘social realism'† (Steinkuehler & Williams, 2006, p. 887).Indeed, opportunities for socialisation in virtual worlds are incredibly diverse, evidenced by the unusual records WoW holds for the â€Å"Most People at a Virtual Funeral† and â€Å"Largest Virtual Beer Festival† (Guinness World Records, 2012). Real-world issues can impact the virtual world too, exemplified by WoW's annual â€Å"Running of the Gnomes †, where low-level pink-haired gnome avatars – most created or â€Å"rolled† specifically for the event – run through dangerous terrain to a designated location and, by grouping together, â€Å"form a heart for breast cancer awareness† (Iserloth, 2012).The event raises money for the Cleveland Clinic for vaccine research, and this year exceeded the $1,000 goal (O'Neal, 2012). Such events epitomise the unique social culture of MMORPGs: impervious to the physical boundaries of real-world events, creative player-instigated socialisation takes full advantage of the flexible social environment of the virtual world. Games, in all of their various forms, have given rise to â€Å"new forms of sociality† (Bradford, 2010, p. 63), as evidenced by the role Communities of Practice play in game culture.Bradford's research shows that, whether a game is designed to be played with others or not, â€Å"communities which cluster around games constantly engage i n negotiations over strategies, experiences and opinions† (2010, p. 56). Like most video games, WoW is surrounded by a powerful network of knowledge (Gee, 2003, p. 187) through these Communities of Practice, consisting of â€Å"a content domain, a group of persons interested in this domain and a shared practice to increase the effectiveness of each member† (Wolf, K, 2007, p. 191).There are also communities dedicated to a seemingly endless wave of user-created media, from webcomics created using WoW screenshots to highly-produced â€Å"machinima†, a convergence between games and cinema which combines film-making techniques with computer-generated imagery (CGI), rendered in real-time using game engines (de Freitas & Griffiths, 2008, p. 13). Players forge reputations amongst these robust communities (Shaffer, Squire, Halverson & Gee, 2005, p. 106), participating in forums to share advice on how to advance in the game, hosting news sites or writing FAQs and walkthrou ghs.Along with in-game social facilities, they make up â€Å"a crucial component of MMORPGs† (Bradford, 2010, p. 58), necessitating the learning and development of â€Å"effective social practices† (Shaffer, Squire, Halverson & Gee, 2005, p. 106). Despite the growing popularity of gaming culture, a lack of understanding of the social contexts of gamers still produces stereotypical views of gamers, attributing to them â€Å"deviant behaviours and emotional problems† (Stetina, Kothgassner, Lehenbauer & Kryspin-Exner, 2010, p. 477).In a recent example, Colleen Lachowicz, a Democratic Party candidate for the Maine State Senate, was the subject of a campaign organised by the Maine Republican Party in October 2012 to make public what they called Lachowicz's â€Å"bizarre double life† (Benedetti, 2012) as an orc in WoW. A website created for the campaign proclaimed â€Å"Maine needs a State Senator that lives in the real world, not in Colleen’s fantasy w orld† (Colleen's World, 2012), and a mail-out, featuring images of Lachowicz's avatar with highlighted quotes including â€Å"I love poisoning and stabbing! and â€Å"I can kill stuff without going to jail† was posted to voters (Maine Republican Party, 2012). Lachowicz's casual comments typify the playful tone of MMOG socialisation (Steinkuehler & Williams, 2006, p. 899) and the misinterpretation, whether accidental or deliberate, is evidence of stereotyping due to a lack of understanding of the complex social culture of MMORPGs. When considering the social potential of MMORPGs, it is also important to acknowledge â€Å"problematic play†: playing excessively at the detriment of real-life priorities and relationships (Snodgrass, Lacy, Francois Dengah II, Fagan, 2011).Not all players are effected and numerous studies show that many cases of problematic play are associated with pre-existing psychopathological problems (Stetina, Kothsgassner, Lehenbauer & Kryspin-Ex ner, 2010, p. 474; Snodgrass, Lacy, Francois Dengah II & Fagan, 2011, pp. 1212-1213) including depression, OCD and low self-esteem. Certain player motivations may increase risk of problematic play, such as reliance on online socialisation and escapism as a coping strategy (Stetina, Kothsgassner, Lehenbauer & Kryspin-Exner, 2010, p. 478).A 2011 study suggested playing with real-life friends or family minimises problematic play, by helping to retain awareness of the real world (Snodgrass, Lacy, Francois Dengah II & Fagan, 2011). Furthermore, such play can enhance existing relationships (Steinkuehler & Williams, 2006, p. 891). While immersion – â€Å"experienc(ing) the avatar as ‘I'† (Bradford, 2010, p. 57) – can play a role in developing problematic behaviour, it is important to note that not all immersive play is problematic (Stetina, Kothsgassner, Lehenbauer & Kryspin-Exner, 2010, . 478). Immersion plays a vital role in games such as WoW, allowing players to â€Å"think, talk and act in new ways† and â€Å"inhabit roles that are otherwise inaccessible to them† (Shaffer, Squire, Halverson and Gee, 2005, p. 105), creating a more level playing ground for socialisation and situated understanding (Steinkuehler & Williams, 2006, pp. 891-892). With their complex economic, social, political and cultural systems and the potential to access the data of thousands of online players at any given time (Szell & Thurner, 2010, p. 14; Shaffer, Squire, Halverson and Gee, 2005), MMOGs are potentially ideal environments for researching â€Å"collective human phenomena and social dynamics† (Szell & Thurner, 2010, p. 314). In 2007, Lofgren and Fefferman suggested that WoW could be used as a tool to â€Å"substantially boost the reality quotient of disease simulators† (Vastag, 2007), following an in-game epidemic of the virtual disease â€Å"Corrupted Blood† in 2005. Corrupted Blood, introduced through a downloadable upda te, was a highly infectious â€Å"de-buff† designed to make combat more challenging in a new area of the game, accessible only to higher level players.A programming error allowed the disease to spread beyond the intended area into heavily populated areas of the game, â€Å"mimicking the travel of contagious carriers over long distances that has been the hallmark of many disease outbreaks in history† (Lofgren & Fefferman, 2007, p. 625). Lofgren and Fefferman noted that players' â€Å"dedication to the virtual community† (2007, p. 627) provoked diverse reactions – some risking their own character in an effort to heal others, others logging out in â€Å"a panic response† (Vastag, 2007, p. 264) and some even propagating the chaos by intentionally spreading the disease (Vastag, 2007, p. 64) – approximating to â€Å"reactions of people in real-life situations of danger† (Lofgren & Fefferman, 2007, p. 627), suggesting MMORPGs hold great prom ise in terms of measuring social dynamics and collective human response for purposes of scientific research. At its core, gaming culture relies on effective cooperation and collaboration, both in-game and through communities of practice outside of the game. Participation in video games and the communities surrounding them teaches and encourages players to engage in â€Å"effective social practices†, establishing and building upon new and effective forms of entertainment, pleasure and sociality. Bradford, 2010). The success and popularity of these unique worlds has shown immense potential for further study into large-scale social dynamics and human phenomenon, potential which has yet to be fully explored. As contexts and media forms continue to converge, it seems certain that the millions of players whose avatars inhabit the rich virtual worlds of MMORPGs and other online games will continue to create and explore new and innovative opportunities for socialisation and learning. Works Cited Benedetti, W. (2012). Republicans out Democrat in World of Warcraft Witch Hunt.Retrieved from http://www. nbcnews. com/technology/ingame/republicans-out-democrat-world-warcraft-witch-hunt-6283586 Bradford, C. (2010). Looking for my corpse: Video games and player positioning. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 33(1), 55-64. Retrieved from http://www. informit. com. au Colleen's World. (2012). Retrieved from www. colleensworld. com de Freitas, S. , & Griffiths, M. (2008). The convergence of gaming practices with other media forms: what potential for learning? A review of the literature. Learning, Media and Technology, 33(1), 11-20. doi:10. 080/17439880701868796 Gee, J. P. (2003). What Video Games Have To Teach Us About Learning and Literacy. New York, NY: Palgrave Mamillan. Guinness World Records. (2012). Retrieved from www. guinnessworldrecords. com Iserloth, A. (2012). World of Warcraft gathers for breast cancer. Retrieved from http://www. universitychronicle. net/index. php/2012/10/22/cancer-wow-walk/ Jenkins, H. (2006). War Between Effects and Meaning: Rethinking the Video Game Violence Debate. In D. Buckingham & R. Willett (Eds. ), Digital Generations (pp. 19-31). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.Lofgren, E. T. & Fefferman, N. H. (2007). The untapped potential of virtual game worlds to shed light on real world epidemics. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 7(9), 625-629. doi:10. 1016/S1473-3099(07)70212-8 Maine Republican Party. (2012). Candidate's Bizarre Double Life Raises Questions. Retrieved from https://www. mainegop. com/2012/10/candidates-bizarre-double-life-raises-questions/ O'Neal, A. (2012). World of Warcraft players go pink to raise money for breast cancer research. Retrieved from http://www. examiner. com/article/world-of-warcraft-players-go-pink-to-raise-mo

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

What Is the Relationship of the Four Noble Truths to the Eightfold Path?

What is the relationship of the Four Noble truths to the Eightfold path? The heart of Buddhist teaching is found in the Four Noble Truths. These truths are what Siddhartha Gautama became enlightened about when he became the â€Å"buddha† or â€Å"enlightened one. † These truths are shared by all the different groups, schools of thought and divisions within Buddhism. The Four Noble Truths are: 1. the truth of suffering – life involves suffering or dissatisfaction. Even the most privileged lives involve suffering or dissatisfaction of some sort. 2. he truth of desire – suffering is caused by desire, specifically unenlightened desire 3. the truth of the cessation of desire – when unenlightened desire is ceased or eliminated from life, suffering ceases as well 4. the truth of the 8-fold path – desire is enlightened through right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration, right understanding and r ight resolve The Four Noble Truths support the common characterization of the Buddha as a doctor or healer. He assesses the life's condition, makes a diagnosis, and provides a prescription for the cure. Life involves suffering, even for those who lead privileged lives. Bad things happen, people get sick, loved ones die, things don't go as planned, and so on. How does Buddhism explain karma and reincarnation without a soul? Karma is the concept that the individual's actions determine his fate, whether in this or in a future life, and that every action has to be balanced in some way. By doing certain actions, certain energies are set in motion, which bring certain effects. It is a way to restore balance in the Universe, and is not punishment for one's actins. Reincarnation is the rebirth of the soul in a new body, while Karma affects the new body and determines the circumstances into which it is born. Both of them can explain a lot of things in each one's life. A life of comfort and success means that the person performed good deeds in a previous life, and a life of difficulties, failure and adversities is a retribution for negative past actions. It is said that it is the soul that reincarnates, but what is the soul? This is an ambiguous term. If someone says, â€Å"my soul reincarnates† or â€Å"my soul is eternal†, he is actually saying that there are two ifferent entities. There is he, and there is his soul, which means that he is not the soul. Forgive me for the comparison, but it is like saying, â€Å"I have a pair of shoes†, â€Å"I have a car† and â€Å"I have a soul†. It is regarded as a possession. This means that it is possible to be â€Å"with a soul† and â€Å"without a soul†. D oes this sound reasonable to you? If a soul is a â€Å"possession†, then who is the owner? This owner must be more important then the soul! people encounter different situations and live in different circumstances, deep within all are indivisible part of the same One Spirit. This Spirit is not touched or affected by situations or circumstances. It means that from the viewpoint of the Spirit, karma and reincarnation are illusory. When one is able to realize this understanding on a deep level, one goes beyond karma and reincarnation. When the Consciousness of the Spirit is â€Å"awakened†, through concentration and meditation, one realizes that he is an integral part of the eternal and undivided Spirit. He experiences a Spiritual Awakening, and then both reincarnation and karma lose their meaning, power and reality. What is a Bodhisattva? The word bodhisattva means â€Å"enlightenment being. † Very simply, bodhisattvas are beings who work for the enlightenment of all beings, not just themselves. They vow not to enter Nirvana until all beings enter Nirvana together. A BODHISATTVA IS an ordinary person who takes up a course in his or her life that moves in the direction of buddha. You're a bodhisattva, I'm a bodhisattva; actually, anyone who directs their attention, their life, to practicing the way of life of a buddha is a bodhisattva View one of the following videos and give a succinct report on its content in relationship to Buddhism: Enlightenment Guaranteed (German film), Babette's Feast, the Matrix, The Little Buddha, What the bleep do we know, Groundhog Day, or the Zen film, Woman of the Dunes. The Little Buddha Little Buddha is an enjoyable, at times powerful, and ultimately highly entertaining movie. Of course, there are quite a few movies today that can also be called entertaining, but they often achieve this with a combination of sex, violence and (admittedly) amazing special effects. It is rare to see a movie essentially devoid of such things that not only does entertain you, but also uplifts your spirit and leaves you with a positive feeling. For me, Little Buddha is also such a movie. However, as I reflect on the powerful depiction in this movie of Siddartha's transformation into the Buddha under the bodhi tree, it seems clear that the powerful force responsible for shaking Siddhartha up and humbling him was none other than the unforgiving truth of impermanence. Every living thing must change and ultimately perish. This of course is a disturbing and negative truth. However, this powerful negative truth was transformed into an equally powerful positive one when he realized that not just he, but that also all living things, even plants and insects, were all suffering from and bound by this same truth. Ultimately, he saw that all life is one. I believe the Buddha's great compassion developed out of this awareness of universal suffering. In Little Buddha, this truth, though perhaps somewhat obscured by the search for the reincarnated teacher, is nonetheless powerfully and unforgettably portrayed. I highly recommend that you see this movie.

Hostel Ddday

Respected dignitaries on the stage, all the professors and my dear hostelites.. â€Å"Suddenly out from home town, With B. Tech Degree as our Crown, We landed here, here we lived, here we matured, here Spent best years of our life, With best pals of mine, here learned basics and felt happiness with sorrows, People of Old hostel, To thee I bow† It feels like yesterday when all of us came together as â€Å"freshers†, when we met each other, sat together for group studies a day before of the exam, it feels like yesterday when we had all the fun together.But its hard to believe that these yesterdays have lasted for 4 years †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. and soon will die out on us. Its hard for me to believe that today I am giving a speech as a final year student and that our life as undergraduates is coming to an end. I am sure that almost everyone of us in the final yr tech have something waiting for us for a better tom,but given a chance, I am sure, every one of us would like to relive these 4 years. Words just fall short to describe my feelings for this hostel.We have got everything from it; friendship, affection, care, support , knowledge, maturity and what not I am sure that thses walls know our lifes better than us. We have done things, we would have never imagined doing before we came here and also things, which others could just do in their imagination. From mid night bday parties to burning mid night oil before exams, from all day sleep on holidays to full night games and laughter, from Dashera to Holi, from mosquitoes to bed bugs, from mess food to munna’s water †¦. We have seen it all here.I could exactly recall and experience the words of Harshal Chokha, when we all were in first yr, when he said â€Å"here We have undergone the biggest transition of our lives† This place has a culture of its own, where there is just no space for discrimination and ample space for love and unity. ( Here we have shared our deepest sorrows as well as the biggest achievements with friends). Though most of our juniors just have no idea about this culture as they have lived in the new hostel but I, along with everyone of us, have enjoyed this culture and lived every moment of it.We have lived here more like a family and I really feel proud to belong to it. Its been the hostelites who are famous or can I call infamous for attending the maximum of lectures to having the best of leaser. Now when I look back, its so hard to imagine where I would have been if not here. There is so much to say and it will take another 8 years for me to describe my 4 years of life in Old hostel I thank Prof Malshe for preserving this culture here and letting us all be a part of it. He as a person will be tough at times but really soft otherwise. Can never forget those nights when Sir is on surprise visit to the hostel and everybody runs here and there just informing others to be prepared for it. Can never forget how his comments become even mo re popular than the dialogues of the most amazing movies). I would like to thank him for lending his hand whenever we required his help and sir, we request you for your support even when we are not a part of this hostel. How can I forget last year, when hostel day was on the verge of getting cancelled, that he became hope and support for us and yes, we were able to make an eventful festival under the leadership of our GS Shailesh Marwah.As far as the achievements are concerned, the batch of final yr B tech could be called as the batch of achievers. People have got high paying jobs, top ranking universities, unmatchable GATE scores that too in third year, and still there is so much more to come. As far as extra curricular activities are concerened over the years we have excelled in both cultural and sports events. I would like to thank all the professors, who have always lend us their helping hands, all my classmates or I would say my brothers and my juniors for being there during th e highs and the lows. I could never repay you all for your favours ) and guys keep the spirit of old hostel high. I would like to end up on an emotional note, In all I can only say†¦.. â€Å"We lived in the old hostel for 4 years Enjoyed, cried had fun, shared tears, We hostelites live here as a a family with wings of UICT to fly freely now, its time for us to leave making this one of the best place for freshers to live† Thank youRespected dignitaries on the stage, all the professors and my dear hostelites.. â€Å"Suddenly out from home town, With B. Tech Degree as our Crown, We landed here, here we lived, here we matured, ere Spent best years of our life, With best pals of mine, here learned basics and felt happiness with sorrows, People of Old hostel, To thee I bow† It feels like yesterday when all of us came together as â€Å"freshers†, when we met each other, sat together for group studies a day before of the exam, it feels like yesterday when we had al l the fun together. But its hard to believe that these yesterdays have lasted for 4 years †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. and soon will die out on us. Its hard for me to believe that today I am giving a speech as a final year student and that our life as undergraduates is coming to an end.I am sure that almost everyone of us in the final yr tech have something waiting for us for a better tom,but given a chance, I am sure, every one of us would like to relive these 4 years. Words just fall short to describe my feelings for this hostel. We have got everything from it; friendship, affection, care, support , knowledge, maturity and what not I am sure that thses walls know our lifes better than us. We have done things, we would have never imagined doing before we came here and also things, which others could just do in their imagination.From mid night bday parties to burning mid night oil before exams, from all day sleep on holidays to full night games and laughter, from Dashera to Holi, f rom mosquitoes to bed bugs, from mess food to munna’s water †¦. We have seen it all here. I could exactly recall and experience the words of Harshal Chokha, when we all were in first yr, when he said â€Å"here We have undergone the biggest transition of our lives† This place has a culture of its own, where there is just no space for discrimination and ample space for love and unity. ( Here we have shared our deepest sorrows as well as the biggest achievements with friends).Though most of our juniors just have no idea about this culture as they have lived in the new hostel but I, along with everyone of us, have enjoyed this culture and lived every moment of it. We have lived here more like a family and I really feel proud to belong to it. Its been the hostelites who are famous or can I call infamous for attending the maximum of lectures to having the best of leaser. Now when I look back, its so hard to imagine where I would have been if not here. There is so much to say and it will take another 8 years for me to describe my 4 years of life in Old hostelI thank Prof Malshe for preserving this culture here and letting us all be a part of it. He as a person will be tough at times but really soft otherwise. ( Can never forget those nights when Sir is on surprise visit to the hostel and everybody runs here and there just informing others to be prepared for it. Can never forget how his comments become even more popular than the dialogues of the most amazing movies). I would like to thank him for lending his hand whenever we required his help and sir, we request you for your support even when we are not a part of this hostel.How can I forget last year, when hostel day was on the verge of getting cancelled, that he became hope and support for us and yes, we were able to make an eventful festival under the leadership of our GS Shailesh Marwah. As far as the achievements are concerned, the batch of final yr B tech could be called as the batch of achie vers. People have got high paying jobs, top ranking universities, unmatchable GATE scores that too in third year, and still there is so much more to come. As far as extra curricular activities are concerened over the years we have excelled in both cultural and sports events.I would like to thank all the professors, who have always lend us their helping hands, all my classmates or I would say my brothers and my juniors for being there during the highs and the lows. (I could never repay you all for your favours ) and guys keep the spirit of old hostel high. I would like to end up on an emotional note, In all I can only say†¦.. â€Å"We lived in the old hostel for 4 years Enjoyed, cried had fun, shared tears, We hostelites live here as a a family with wings of UICT to fly freely now, its time for us to leave making this one of the best place for freshers to live† Thank you

Monday, July 29, 2019

Defense Weapons System (Abstract) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Defense Weapons System (Abstract) - Essay Example Early defense systems operated on a one-way identification mechanism, whereby the system classified approaching aircrafts as domestic or enemy. Presumably, the defense systems did not give additional information on the nature or degree of threat presented by an approaching aircraft. B-52 systems are likely to have remained relevant due to due to their flexibility. Their adaptability has facilitated key modifications aimed at enhancing the system’s monitoring capabilities. However, security experts are likely to be concerned with its capacity to detect modern aircrafts. In addition, experts are pessimistic about its identification mechanism and its flexibility in the current environment. In particular, will the system keep pace with the development of military hardware and aircrafts particularly the F series of fighter jets? Sustainability of the B-25 system will determine the United States’ potential as a military and political superpower of the modern

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Role Of A Leader In Managing Crisis. Toyota case study Essay

Role Of A Leader In Managing Crisis. Toyota case study - Essay Example A leader’s primary role is to set the goals for the crisis management strategy which requires to be based on the organisation’s values. Leadership qualities are measured through the commitment involved in drafting crisis problem along with the firm’s top management. Further identifying the levels of problem related to crisis management will enable a leader to create a friendly and supportive environment in the organisation. The next step for the leader lies in identifying the team to lead the crisis management. The purpose of the team will be to identify the crisis in the organisation. The main role of the leadership here will lie in empowering the team and making the team competent to analyse the crisis by different components such as process, location, pressure, market place and industry (Goel, 2009, p. 247). The tertiary role of the leadership is to implement strategy leading to effective communication with both internal and external sources such as employees, stakeholders, partners, etc. Apart from this regular training to the employees regarding crisis management is another important aspect to measure the leadership attributes. External forces An organisation’s ability to identify external forces which can impact the internal environment of the organisation is an important mechanism related to crisis management. This requires the incorporation of scrutinising mechanism by the leadership to continuously analyse the external forces and convert them into values for the organisation and the members associated with it. ... Example: A hospital’s ability to foresee the impact of technology advancement and the ability to adopt the latest technology in its various departments can be adjudged as the modification in its internal atmosphere to convene the fundamental change in the external force related to technology (Porter-O’Grady & Malloch, 2010, p. 230). Internal forces Like external forces, the internal forces too have an impact on the organisation and its ability to adapt itself in the changing environment. It is important for the leadership to maintain a balance between work and process to be able to change the work mechanism as demanded by both internal and external forces. This concept of liveliness is very important for the leadership to understand the current dynamics of work. Example: Distribution channel of pharmacy, supply chain management of materials are the representatives of internal work structures and needs to change with the changing environment. Akio Toyoda’s respons e in related to the Toyota crisis can be examined in a more illustrated manner in the following manner: Dysfunctional organisation culture The leaders of Toyota are the main culprits as they are the ones responsible for the crisis. Akio Toyoda took the control of the organisation when it was not in best of shape; expert advice was often neglected over safety measures which ultimately had an impact on organisation. Crisis cannot always be spun Akio Toyoda made the mistake of taking the situation lightly and not paying much heed to the consequences. Instead of responding that the organisation is replacing the faulty parts and will keep doing the same in the near future, Akio Toyoda should have

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The fundamental points at issue between the Keynesian and classical Essay - 1

The fundamental points at issue between the Keynesian and classical traditions in UK - Essay Example The Great Depression did last approximately for a decade. It was the period between early 1931 and March 1933 when the depression became great and spread to other nations. The period of Great Depression is mainly recalled for significant unemployment, massive poverty and political turbulence that it caused. For the period of 1931-1940, the rate of unemployment was hovering around 18 percent. During the period of Great Depression net investment was negative and there was a massive fall in consumer price index as well. Between 1929 and 1933, the consumer price index dropped by 25 percent approximately. (Dornbusch and Fischer, 1994) Classical economists did not provide any elaborate explanations for such a huge economic downturn in developed nations like UK, USA and others. However, Keynes has recognized unchecked market movement as the prime reason behind such a great economic downfall. Classical economists mainly focused on the supply side of the economy to search for reason for this depression. However, Keynes held the aggregate demand side of the economy with great importance and recommended counter cyclical fiscal measures to improve aggregate demand. During 1933-1937, some recovery took place in the economy. Real GNP experienced a rapid growth at a rate of almost 9 percent annually. This rapid growth in GNP, however, fell to make a significant fall in the rate of unemployment. In 1938, another economic recession struck the economy and pushed unemployment rate up to 20 percent once again. The Great Depression caused a number of nations to change their political structure as many economists including Keynes considered this severe recession a result of unchecked capitalism. (Dornbusch and Fischer, 1994) There are two major schools of thought in the field of macroeconomics- Keynesian and Classical. Like other developed nations, UK used to follow Classical policy tools to deal with its

Friday, July 26, 2019

Cell biology &genetics - lab report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cell biology &genetics - lab report - Essay Example The objective of this experiment is to observe the several stages of mitosis in an onion root cell through a light microscope. Onion root tips were prepared by washing in clean water then rinsing with distilled water. After this, a root tip section about 2mm in thickness was cut from the root tip using a sterilized scalpel; this was then placed on a glass slide with a drop of distilled water on it to avoid dehydration. Afterwards the root tip section was them fixed in Carnoy’s fluid inside a Bijou bottle for about 10 minutes. After fixing, the section was then transferred to a Petri dish containing distilled water where it was rinsed for approximately 2 minutes. After rinsing, the root tip section was then placed inside a bijou bottle containing 1 ml of 1M HCl and incubated at about 60ï‚ °C for about 5 minutes. The contents of the tube were then poured into a Petri dish and the root tip carefully picked out using forceps and transferred into another Bijou bottle containing aceto-orcein which was then left in a dark chamber for about 10 minutes. The bottle was then removed from the chamber and the root tip carefully removed using forceps and placed on a slide on which a drop of 45% acetic acid had been placed, this was then covered with a cover slip. By this time the root tip section was already well softened and stained; the tip was then squashed by slightly tapping on the cover slip with a pencil until it was evenly spread out under the cover slip as a pink mass. The glass slide with the root tip ready for observation on the microscope was then transferred to a light microscope and viewed at x400 magnification strength. Photographs of the cells undergoing mitosis were then taken and drawings made of the various stages of mitosis. It was observed in the experiment that the cell division process assumed all the four stages shown in the images above and that the staining clearly revealed the features of all the four stages it takes for a cell

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Library research assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Library research - Assignment Example (check this link: After watching several powerpoint presentation and videos I now have a better idea how to do a research using the website despite the unavailability of the instruction video on how to begin a research. It is just unclear to me if there are soft copies of the book where I can access through my computer and download it because the instructional video just tells how to locate the book. I believe this is important because it makes research more efficient that would enable us to dig more reading materials at a lesser amount of time. My top three videos viewed are â€Å"Overview of Mason Libraries† because it provides me an idea how the online and physical library interacts,   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Find a Book video† because it instructs me how to locate the book that I need in the maze of our library and â€Å"Find the Full-text of Google Scholar Articles† because it makes easier how to understand a book.   In general, the website had been helpful in orienting me how to do a research and I believe that I am now more prepared to do

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Build team effectiveness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Build team effectiveness - Essay Example Ineffective teams have low unity of purpose; the group members show a great deal of indifference, disagreements are dealt with ineffectively. To build team in a new team that has never worked each team member must engage themselves in a number of team building activities that will assess the strengths and improvement opportunities of the new members of a team, and thereafter formulate and implement plans designed to increase the overall effectiveness of a team (Parker and Kropp, viii). According to Heinemann and Zeiss (79), conflict is considered to be part of group development. Without effective conflict management mechanisms, conflicts between the members of a group can result in hostility, anger and misunderstandings. The members of a team are encouraged to not suppress their discomfort as suppressed or unresolved conflict can serve to increase hostility in team in addition to greatly polarizing the team members. Team leaders on the other hand should ensure that they create an atmosphere where the team members can be able to express their discomfort or give their opinion. The leaders can also employ the use of some of the conflict management styles such as accommodating, compromising and competing method where suitable to resolve conflict in the team. For a team to be highly effective, it must first set goals that are designed to be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bond. As much as possible, all the team members should be allowed to make their input during the designing and wording of these goals. Individual team members should consistently communicate with each other to ensure that all the members are able to receive and understand similar information pertaining to the group. The team leader should work to ensure that the team is well staffed, each members understands the purpose of the group as well as their respective roles within the group. In addition to this the group leader should be able to

Wk 2 disc (22&31) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wk 2 disc (22) - Essay Example I agree with the Hansen et. al (2006) study because I think that the factors they found: showing respect for the clients world view, evaluating when the counselors own views, assumptions and biases are impeding the counseling process, and establishing rapport are very important in working with any group, but especially with multicultural groups (p. 70). In the study by Constantine et. al (2004), a good point was made that many institutions are not open to multiculturalism and this can cause problems. However, a counselor who is willing to be flexible and who is willing to get to know different cultures will succeed better than someone who is not. Constantine et. al also said that a multi-cultural counselor must understand cultural issues. I believe this is true because this is a way that one can relate better to a client and it develops trust. Hansen, N.D., Randazzo, K. V., Schwartz, A., Marshall, M., Kalis, D., Frazier, R., Burke, C., Kershner-Rice, K., and Norvig, G. (Nancy Downing Hansen, Katherine V. Randazzo (2006). Do we practice what we preach? An exploratory survey of multicultural psychotherapy competencies. Professional Psychology Research and Practice, 37 (1), p.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Three Different Type of Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Three Different Type of Family - Essay Example I was supposed to be at the Saudi Embassy by 11:00 o’ clock. I was in West Los Angeles. My heart was beating fast and I was immersed in perspiration beads. I feared that I might miss the opportunity to apply for the passport in time. It had taken a lot of effort to get the date for application and I could not afford missing that opportunity. I managed to reach the Saudi Embassy in ten minutes. I was pleased I was not quite late, but the staff did not cooperate with me the much I expected them to. They referred me to one another which frustrated me. Anyway, I managed to apply for the passport. I had not done the breakfast to my full and was feeling really hungry. Since morning, I had been moving here and there in frustration. I was overwhelmed with anxiety and wanted a good lunch to energize myself. I was feeling very low and was red in the face. It felt like I was having a very high blood pressure. On my way to Santa Monica, I drove across my girlfriend’s favorite pizza restaurant. Suddenly, I felt a cool breeze filling me. I wondered if love was powerful enough to make me happy at this point in my life when I was feeling very low. My blood pressure started to regulate. I decided to have the lunch, so I parked my car aside the restaurant. Even before I had entered the restaurant, I knew where I was going to sit or what I was going to order. I planned to occupy the same table where my girlfriend and I had sat the last time and order the same meal we had had then. But unfortunately, that table was already occupied by a family. There were a total of three families in the restaurant. The family occupying my table had four members in it; a father, a mother and two sons. This was the first family. It felt very much like a projection of my dream family, wherein I would have two sons from my girlfriend. The family sitting on the left of that table had two members in it. There was a man a child. The man seemed like the father and the child seemed like his son. This was the second family. To the right was another family with six people in it. There was a man and a woman that seemed like a husband and a wife. To the left of the husband were two sons. In between the husband and the wife was a one year old child, and to the right of the wife was a daughter. This was the third family. The first family was a dual parent family. The sons had their biological children with them. The second family represented single parent family. The mother had left the child’s father and had married her lover. The child had no sibling but had his biological father with him. The third family was a merging family. In between the husband and the wife was their biological child. To the right of the wife was the daughter from her previous husband. To the left of the husband were the two sons from his previous wife. The first family was a biracial family. The wife was African American whereas the husband was Caucasian American. The sons had tanned skin whi le the color of one son was darker than the other. The second and third families were uniracial in that all members belonged to the same race. In the second family, both the father and the son were Asian Americans. They seemed like Indians that had immigrated to the US. The third family was of Caucasian Americans. All family members were white. It seemed like the girl’

Monday, July 22, 2019

Romeo and Juliet Essay Example for Free

Romeo and Juliet Essay During the first scene of the play we are introduced to several character and the setting for the play. The story is set in the Italian city of Verona. Italy was regarded as a wealthy and romantic country where extravagant love affairs took place. Verona is a town that was popular with the rich and classical civilisation. This makes Verona an ideal setting for the tragic romance. The play was written in the 16th Century (1595) and is about forbidden love. A pair of star crossed lovers, find themselves facing death due to their feuding families. We are introduced to two different families with one major thing in common. They despise the other family. Both families will go to extreme lengths to out do the other. They will do anything from biting their thumb at each other, to fighting to the death. Both families take any opportunity to hurt/ destroy the other family. Sampson and Gregory, Capulet servants, are roaming Verona looking for trouble. Well not carry coals. They come across Abraham and another servant from the Montague household. A fight breaks out; Benvolio one of the Montague family tries to stop the fight (part fools). Matters are made worst as Tybalt a Capulet arrives and sets on Benvolio. Talk of peace? I hate the word, as I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee. The fighting threatens to get out of hand as Lord and Lady Capulet and Montague arrive on the scene. Prince Escalus arrives and orders the families to stop or they will suffer a grave penalty. They are told to throw their mistempered weapons to the ground. The Capulets are ordered to leave. Lady Montague finds out from Benvolio what had happened and expressed her pleasure that Romeo was not there. Benvolio describes Romeos recent strange behaviour and general sadness to Lord Montague. Benvolio discovers that Romeo is in love but that the women he loves has resolved to do nothing with men. Benvolio suggests that Romeo should forget her and examine other beauties. Romeo assures him this is impossible. At the beginning of the scene Romeo is noticeably absent. We discover he is suffering from love sickness, the object of his unanswered devotions being Rosaline. This was the reason why Romeos fit of depression was brought on. He is adamant that there is no other woman for him. This accounts for the confusion that we see in his conversation with Benvolio. His speech is crammed with oxymorons and contradictions as he struggles to make sense of his predicament. Romeos love sounds very artificial, its not true its almost as though he is over reacting and being too false. He is acting very emotionally and in the opposite way to what a respectable young man should act. We first see Benvolio in the market place trying to stop the fight. This shows Benvolio is the opposite of Tybalt and does not want to start a fight. Benvolio is a close and sensitive friend to Romeo able to judge his affections with his own. His response to Romeos dilemma is sympathetic and practical, forget to think of her. He addresses Romeos situation in a very masculine way. He tells Romeo to forget her and examine other beauties. In contrast to Benvolio, Tybalt is hot tempered, vindictive and aggressive. He appears first when Benvolio is endeavouring to separate the aggressive parties. He goes for his sword rejecting Benvolios plea to keep the peace. His response sums up all you need to know about his part in the play: What, drawn and talk of peace? I hate the word, as I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee. He is obliged to withdraw by the entry and strong words of the Prince but his seething hatred for the Montagues are not eased. Tybalts first appearance establishes him as one who enjoys a fight and will never back down to a fight. Lord Capulets first appearance is him rushing in wearing a night gown calling for his long sword to join the fight. This shows him to be a comic figure in the play (Shakespeare wanted his plays to be humorous and make the audience laugh and jeer) especially when his wife remarks he would be better off with a crutch. The Prince Escalus is a victim of circumstance; he is always just too late to do anything. He is plainly angered by the families feud yet lacks the strength to reconcile their differences. After the third civil brawl the prince threatens Capulet and Montague with their lives. The prince has no real power in the city and finds it hard to stop the families fighting. The families are becoming a major problem in the city and are disturbing everyday life, and injuring innocent people. So far in the play we have been introduced to two rival families. Whose goals are to become the most important family in Verona and destroy the other family. The first family being the Montagues (Lord Montague, Lady Montague. Romeo, Abraham, Balthasar and Benvolio) and the other the Capulets (Lord Capulet, Lady Capulet, Juliet, Sampson, Gregory and Tybalt).

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Effect of Economic Globalisation on the Probability of War

Effect of Economic Globalisation on the Probability of War Economic globalization and economic integration reduce the probability of conflict and war. Do you agree or disagree with this assertion? The points that I hold in this essay do not agree with the argument presented in title, tough it is admitted that economic globalization and integration do bring about significant benefits to the whole world development. Some economists believe that economic globalization is a good thing since it has brought a great deal of material well-being, and can lead to a enjoyable life. However, in addition many economists are skeptical. They pointed out that if economic globalization is really so good, why the international economy is still so confusing? Theorists and public opinions carry out a fierce discussion regarding this issue. This paper briefly comments about the cons and pros surrounding economic globalization issues, and seek appropriate interpretations to explain why this paper disagrees about the point that economic globalization and integration can deduce the probability of conflict and war through listing reliable and adaptable arguments with supported evidences (Bermeo, 2009) . Basically there are two views about what is economic globalization: one is that the essence of economic globalization is the capitalist production mode and the global exploitation, the second is that economic globalization is the dominance of the market economy, production factors, economic and technical resources are free to flow and get optimized allocation on a global scale. Economic globalization is a historical process: on the one hand all countries in the world are intertwined, mutual influent and integrate into a unified whole which is unified global market; on the other hand is to establish a standardized global rules of economic behavior in the world wide as a basis for the build of global economic operation mechanism. In the process, the economy has dominated market, production factors are free to flow and optimized allocated on a global scale (Birdsall, 2010). So it is saying that economic globalization refers to the production factors running across borders and fell flow of worldwide, and nations and regions all over the world integrated as a historical process. Economic globalization is a historical category emerged with the growth of the world market. Therefore, the fundamental premise of economic globalization is a global unified market. The economic exchanges and trade liberalization between countries are not economic globalization under the situation that global market is in segmentation. Only the world market formed on the basis of the extensive division of labor between countries, it means the fundamentally eliminating the isolated developing state among countries and ultimately form a broad and profound economic ties. Any country or region once integrated into the world economy are bound by a variety of influences from the world market. Since the 1980s, especially in the 1990s, socialist countries taking china as the representative has transferred into market economy through insisting on deepening reform on the basic system of socialism. The traditional planned economy gradually disappeared, and market economy has dominated the world , the national and regional limitations have been broken due to the economic competition and market profit-driven behavior, and the world economy is increasingly linked to a global economy as a whole. At the same time, regional economic is developing rapidly as a form of regional economic integration organization. By the end of 1996, there are more than 100 regional economic groupings all over the world including almost all of the country. EU, NAFTA and APEC has become the main tripolar world economy, and its total economic output and export have achieved 80% of the world. And in recent years, regional economic blocs are continuously interwoven, and the regional markets continue to extend beyond boundaries outward and work on mutual integration, greatly promoting the development of national economic integration and globalization, forming a huge market economic operation system. In this system, the barriers on cooperation reduced, and the penetration and dependency degree is increasi ng that different countries can benefit from sharing the best allocation of resources brought by production resources flowing freely, but at the same time these countries have to bear possible risks that economic integration brought to them. National economy and culture have exceeded state and national boundaries developing from opposition and collision toward the penetration and fusion with the deepening of the international division of labor and no frontiers economy expanding. It should be acknowledged that the process of globalization of the world economy has just started, the impact of it to national economies and the world economy is still difficult to predict, but one thing is very clear that economic globalization is a â€Å"double-edged sword† (Bernard, 2001). Economic globalization can indeed promote the improvement and expansion of the world’s industrial economies of scale, will cause changes in production and consumption technologies. However at the same time, economic globalization will have some negative effects and these effects are different according to specific areas and specific countries with different policy options. Specifically, the pros and cons of economic globalization as follows: The positive effects of economic globalization: Economic globalization allows the effective and rational allocation of labor, worldwide capital, technology, products, markets, and resources. The competition between countries get intensified with economic globalization effectively promoting international cooperation. From the economy perspective, the reasons for competition on due to the limited resources and the expansion of capital; from the politic perspective is due to the existence of the state, countries are trying to enhance their own strength to realize their dependence on other countries thereby benefiting more with lower cost. Economic globalization has accelerated the free flow of factors of production on a global scale, and the formation of a unified global market thus promoting the operation of multinational globalization and global adjustment of industrial structure, and to maximize the optimal allocation of resources. The economic globalization helps to reduce international conflicts. In the process of economic globalization, most of the world countries are involved in a deeper level of international division of labor, the investment and technology transferring activities of transnational corporation contributes to the closer link of production operation regarding sales, research and development. And a direct result from this operation is the interdependence of national economies, the degree of mutual penetration deepened. The changes in economic relations inevitably lead to changes in the political sphere and international relations changes, and negotiation and dialogue increasingly becoming the primary means of dealing with international relations in today. Strengthen trust and cooperation between countries, bounding international conflict or at least reducing the intensity of the conflict has gradually become a trend. And some experts believe that the trend will be increasingly strengthened wit h further development of economic globalization. While the cons that economic globalization has brought to us cannot be ignored: Economic globalization has exacerbated the imbalance in the world economy, so that the gap between rich and poor is widening. Firstly the economic globalization has brought is the impact on the national economy of developing countries, and this impact is built on the basis of unequal relations. On the one hand, international economic organizations are in the hands of developed countries, and principles, systems and orderly functioning of the world economy are developed by them. On the other hand, the Western countries have economic, technical and management advantages, and the developing countries cannot be far way. Thus the greatest benefit from economic globalization belongs to the highly developed countries. Despite the developing countries with relative backwardness technology and economy will get some long-term benefits, but it is difficult for them to benefit in the near future or a long time, and may even suffer great damage and shocks, such as losses or the closure of many na tional enterprises, etc (Kenneth, 2012). While economic globalization can lead to increased global objective material wealth , but in the course of the market , the competition is the primary law , it is in the creation of high- efficiency, will inevitably lead to wealth is increasingly concentrated to a small number of countries or interest groups , resulting in widen the wealth gap . According to World Bank statistic, the per capita GDP 1983 high-income countries is 43 times the low-income developing countries, to become 62 times in 1994, even more unfair social distribution. Specific reasons for this disparity are many, there are institutional reasons, the reasons for market reasons, such as changes in the structure and, but there are two factors are obvious: the distribution of benefits of economic globalization is not balanced; market competition makes Some social policy challenges (Foreign Affairs, 2012). Economic globalization has strengthened the instability of the world economy. Economic globalization has made economic links with countries in the world economy more closely, national domestic economic stability will depend not only on their domestic factors, to a greater extent by the tremendous impact of international factors. With the continuous expansion of international trade and trade in services, in particular economic conditions in other countries, major trading partners such as inflation , the financial crisis will affect the national economy through the international transmission mechanism (Ikenberry, 1990). If the countrys economic structure, there are some similar problems, these economic fluctuations will inevitably occur in the country. Even if the national economy is not a problem, because a certain degree of fluctuation will be leaving the role of psychological factors in the economy occurred. Especially for developing countries because of economic globalization is financial, the globalization of trade and investment, however, due to the insuff icient growth in developing markets, the economic structure is more fragile and more vulnerable to adverse external factors ; and because of incomplete legislation in developing countries , to facilitate speculation ; then coupled with lax enforcement in developing countries , abiding by the law , giving the hot money leaving an opportunity. Thus, a large number of Western countries impact the hot money from time to time financial markets in developing countries, and even lead to the financial crisis, resulting in as war -like destruction. Economic globalization has developed economic cycles, exchange rates, changes in interest rates transfer to developing countries to enable developing economies often unfavorable fluctuations occurred in the Mexican financial crisis in late 1994 and the 1997 Asian financial crisis has fully demonstrated this point. Reference: Bermeo, N. (2009). Does Electoral Democracy boost Economic Equality? Journal of Democracy, Volume 20, Number 4, October 2009, pp. 21-35 Bernard, L. (2001). The revolt of Islam. The New Yorker. 77. 36 (Nov 12, 2001): 050. Birdsall, N. (2010). Life is Unfair: Inequality in the World. Foreign Policy, No.111 (Summer, 1998), pp. 76-93. Ikenberry, G.J. (1990). Creating Yesterday’s New World Order: Keynesian â€Å"New Thinking† and the Anglo-American Postwar Settlement. Foreign Affairs. (2012). Time to Attract Iran: Why a Strike Is the Least Bad Option. Foreign Affairs. 91.1. (Jan/Feb 2012):76-86. Kenneth, W. (2012). Why Iran Should Get the Bomb: Nuclear Balancing Would Mean Stability. Foreign Affairs. 91.4. (Jul/Aug 2012): 2-5

The role of human resource management (HRM) in Australian-Malaysian joint ventures

The role of human resource management (HRM) in Australian-Malaysian joint ventures As is stated in the article The role of human resource management (HRM) in Australian-Malaysian joint ventures by Gladys Cheah-Liaw, Stanley Petzall and Chris Selvarajah, the two human resource management issues that was agreed in the article are the staffing policies in term of compensation plan and the cultural differences issue thats mostly discussed in the article. Compensation gap has become the issue between the host country nationals and parent country nationals. Besides that, joint ventures between Australia and Malaysia have that gathering two differing cultures has be one of the challenge for human resource management to overcome if wanted to be success in joint ventures. Arguable issue always occur about the compensation gaps between host country nationals (HCNs) and parent country nationals (PCNs). As stated in the article, PCN on an international assignment would have a higher level of compensation then a HCN or a third-country nationals (TCNs) doing the same job and this cause HCN and TNC react negatively (Gladys et al., 2003). However, not adapting pay scales to local market can present human resource manager with more problems then it solve. The fact is that it can be extremely more expensive to live in some countries like UK than other like Malaysia, and if these cost of living differences arent considered, it may be most impossible to get managers to take high cost assignment. One international compensation trend of growing importance concerns the awarding of long-term incentive pay to overseas managers. Nowadays, a lot multinational are finding to formulate new long-term incentives specifically for overseas executives. Thus, joint ventures sh ould devising performance-based long term incentive plans that tied more closely to performance at the subsidiary level. These can help build a sense of ownership among key local managers while providing the financial incentives needed attract and keep the people we need overseas. The second issue as is agreed in the article is about the cultural differences. As joint ventures involve of employees from different background, human resource manager must be aware of cultural traditions and practices in the nations they are operating in. Unawareness of such things often causes offence to potential overseas business partners and customers. This is one of the factors needed to be attentive. Understanding the national culture can be vital. National culture refers to the attitude and perspectives shared by the people of a specific nation or cultural group that shape their behaviour and the way they see the world. There is wide ranging cultural and ethnic differences from country to country which demand corresponding differences in personnel practices among joint ventures. A high degree of sensitivity and empathy for cultural and attitudinal demand of employees is always important when selecting employees to staff overseas operations. However, such sensitivity is espec ially important when the job is human resource management and the work involves all labour force. Is important also for human resource department that shares the employees cultural background is most likely to be sensitive to the employees needs and expectation in the work place and its thus more likely to manage successful join venture. In summary, human resource management in joint ventures played an important role in overcoming all the issues that might cause failure to the joint ventures development. Question 5 What was the pattern of HRM practices for successful joint ventures? Explain it accordingly to the phase of join ventures development. The pattern of human resource management practices or successful joint ventures is whereby human resource management can fit with the organizations stage of development in joint venture. Each stage of development needs human resource management to adjust the firm accordingly with the different stage. The five organization stage was initiation, functional growth, controlled growth, functional integration and strategic integration. In the initiation stage, joint ventures should had operates for one to three years. In this stage, human resource practice was taken from the parent company. Employment in the initiation stage was said ethnocentric have been taken place which have their own management control and particularly use all capable managers for joint venture. By succeed in the initiation stage, human resource management need to lay emphasis on training, appraisals and aware of compensation for the employees to be in line with the host country. However, the cultural differences issue whereby human resource management need to attentive on it. In transition stage, joint ventures are mainly controlled by a parent country and focusing in the mechanized sector. Transition stage was said to be put up with local demand and is in polycentric perspective, like joint venture was managed by host country nationals. In this stage, training and development was intend to improve current and future employees performance by enlarge employees ability in achieve goal. Compensation was needed to be restructure to retain talented employees as if is due to the labour shortage. In this stage, cultural differences issue was not that critical as employees were monitored to work together and improve by communication. And lastly, joint ventures was said to be greatly successful if reached the maturation stage. They said to be aware of adopting the best practices and be competitive in the universal market. Employment was said to be geocentric which by using the best approach around the world and forces managers to take a wider, global view of operations. Training in this stage was still in improving their efficiency and effectiveness. And the compensation needs to be reorganizing by following the Hire Worldwide Remuneration Consultants (HAY) system for the organizational levels. Cultural differences challenge was said to be solve out and creating a successful diversity workforce. In short, every stage of the successful joint venture development is still on the purpose of getting the job done. As the joint venture development stage can be accomplish stage by stage, join ventures is said to be greatly successful. Question 6 Do you opine that your employers or the organization where you are familiar with has same HRM practices patterns as the organizations highlighted in the article? Discuss your answer. On year 1997, Malaysia Airlines (MAS) and General Electric Company of the United States (GE) have signed an agreement to shape a joint venture after a year of signed a Memorandum of Understanding for a joint venture which MAs and GE will joint together to form a Centre of Excellence in engine repair at Malaysia, The Aero Centre facility in Subang. The plan of joint ventures between GE and MAS in opening the Aero Centre of Excellence is to provide service and repair of to the aircraft engine to Asia Pacific customer which last time use to service in the United States and Europe. As stated in the Press Centre of GE, the joint venture is significant for the country, company and customers. GE is one of the world largest high-technological and blue chip company which joint venture with Malaysia Airlines. In this joint venture, Malaysia gain benefits in upgrading its present aerospace technological capacity, able Malaysia to develop indigenous technology and lead to becoming an aerospace hub. As stated by Tan Sri Tajudin Ramil, the chairman of MAS, this joint venture have bring advantages to MAS through upgrade the navy support and improved skill and productivity. MAS employees also gain benefits from the advance training in leading-edge technology for GE, the world class company. The president of GE Engine Services Inc. affirmed that through CE investment, and joint with MAS, they intend to make Kuala Lumpur the first-class shop operation that will drive future growth. In the joint venture, Malaysia Airlines able to carry to the undertaking a state-of-art facility and a trained workforce. As Aero Centre of Excellence in Malaysia which was the joint ventures between GE and MAS has gain profitability through growth, this joint ventures is to be said as successful just like stated in the article of The role of human resource management (HRM) in Australian-Malaysian joint ventures which involved with the pattern of human resource management practices for successful joint ventures. The successful joint venture development consists of 3 main stages which is initiation, transition and maturation. In the initiation stage, GE from U.S had started to assemble their own human resource policies and practices which included local demands. This was be said as ethnocentric whereby is the parochial belief that the best work practices and approaches are those of the home nation. The advantaged of ethnocentric are the organization will have simple structure and managers can implement closer control. However, theres still disadvantages in this view whereby that decision-making may be le ss effective. There is no flexibility for employees working in foreign locations and there will be difficulties in building good business relationships in the host nation. Due to the shortage of labor, they cant choose the people they want. So, training is needed in this stage and basic compensation was needed to be structured as the principle of the host country. In this stage, cultural issue will be the issue and challenges as human resource department needed to overcome the diversity problems. In the stage of transitional, human resource practices hold to local demand. This stage was polycentric perspective which , this is the view that managers in the overseas, host nation know the best work practices for running operations in that nation. The advantages are that the managers working in the overseas operation will have extensive knowledge of how best to run the workplace and meet market demand. Local managers are likely to be more committed and have higher morale than managers imported from the home country. Also the host government is more likely to provide support. The disadvantages are that duplication of work efforts and facilities in both the home nation and foreign host nation leads to inefficiencies and ineffective use of resources. It is also difficult to maintain a single focus on global objectives as operations in each nation concentrate on their own operations. In this stage, career development for staff is to be organized to improve the productivity. Compensat ion in this stage need to be restructured to retain the potential workers. However, the cultural differences issue has been reduced in this stage. And lastly, when reach the maturation stage, geocentric perspective was taken place whereby global-oriented view focusing on finding and using the best approaches from around the world. The advantages of this view are that it forces managers to take a wider, global view of operations. As in this stage, joint venture was said to be greatly successful which had managed cultural diversity. As GE and MAS was recently successful in the joint venture, they should have overcome all the stages and apply the human resource practice effectively and efficiently to be success in the diversity environment. GE and MAS was working greatly together with the profit that reached $ 1 billion last year. This is because, Aero Centre of Excellence in Malaysia which is joint venture between GE and MAS has overcome all the problems and challenges that occur on the joint venture development, especially the working environment that full of cultural differences. Question 7 Explain two human resource problems experienced by your employer of the organization where you are familiar with and to strategies for overcoming the problems. The two human resource problems experienced by my employer of the organization are the compensation and cultural differences. Compensation and retaining workers have always be the problems to human resource management because employees always not satisfy with the salary and benefits that been given by the employers. Developing a pay plan that is internally and externally equitable is no less important in a small firm or large firm. Besides the compensation problems, managing diversity workforce also be a problem to employer as Malaysia is a mixture country with different of race, religion and so on. Everyone have their own backgrounds which lead to the different thinking compare with others. To keep organization still that competitive, human resource problem needed to be solve out before it get worse. Employee compensation means all forms of pay or rewards going to employees and arising from their employment. Everyone knows that people have many needs, and some which can be satisfied directly with money. As every employee always as for a better life, they expect employers will provide them with satisfied salary just to retain them. Some employees always compare their salary with others. If salary was lower than their colleague, they will just go search for another job might increase the job turnover. In such case, employer should have policies on compensation-related method. Human resource manager need to ensure why the amount of salary among employees is is different and employees need to understand the reason to reduce conflict that might happen in organization. Employers should develop a workable pay plan by conducting a wage survey which collects the information about the job and set a base salary that deserve to receive by the employees. It can be easier also in structure the compensation plan if split employees into three group to managerial, clerical and plant personnel. For each of the three groups, determine the compensable factors to be evaluated and then rank or assign points to each job based on the job evaluation. For each class of jobs, employers should create a pay range. Besides this, employers also can provide reward to employees that attaining companys goal. This was not only can motivate employees but also keep them getting the job done, just to get the reward. Reward also can be a way in retaining potential worker. Capability workers will always surrounded by head-hunter and intellectual employees will just leave the organization if other company can provide better benefit package to them. Not all employees asking for money to satisfy their need but some may ask for achievement, affiliation, power or self-actualization. Yet, even with job enrichment can be a modern motivation technique. Besides that, to retain worker, non-monetary reward like vacations and holiday, sick leave, annual leave and so on can help in retaining potential workers. For employees that attaining organization goal, employers can reward them with promotion or paid vacation as a reward. Employees will somehow work hard just to get the reward offered by employers. Cultural factor have been generally be a problem to human resource. As Malaysia was known as rich of different cultural, most of the company in Malaysia was facing the same problem which is workforce diversity. To overcome this problem, employers can increase relationship between employees by regular meeting. Training also needs to be providing to employees in how to communicate efficiently to reduce conflict in the workforce. Besides that, employers can use teamwork to build relationship between employees while completing their task. In teamwork, sharing will be more to be occur and this can make employees understand each other more. Employers should encourage idea sharing among employees, just to make them discuss more and build relationship without knowing. This kind of method not only can help in diversity labor force but also can come up with new ideas and improve the productivity in the organization. In short, every company has their own human resource problem as is important for employers to apply strategies that is effectiveness and efficiency. Retaining workers has mostly been the problems faced by most of the organization and compensation needs to be structured carefully to avoid from any turnover. Cultural differences are something Malaysian companies can avoid from as Malaysia is a multi-cultural country. To cut down the problems in cultural differences, human resource need to solve out the diversity labor force by monitoring and liaison employees with each other.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Comparing the Moral Superiority of Grendel and Frankenstein :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays

Comparing the Moral Superiority of Grendel and Frankenstein Seeking friends, they found enemies; seeking hope, they found hate. Social outcasts simply want to live as the rest of us live. Often, in our prejudice of their kind, we banish them from our elite society. Regardless of our personal perspective, society judges who is acceptable and who is not. Some of the greatest people of all time have been socially unacceptable. Van Gogh found comfort only in his art, and with a woman who consistently denied his passion. Edgar Allen Poe was considered "different" - to say the least. These great men, as well as Grendel and Frankenstein, do not â€Å"fit† into society. Also like these men, Grendel and Frankenstein are uniquely superior to the rest of mankind. Their superiority is seen through their guile to live in a society that ostracizes their kind, their true heroism in place of society's romantic view, and the ignorance on which society's opinion of them is formed. Grendel, though he needs to kill to do so, functions very well in his own sphere. Grendel survives in a hostile climate where he is hated and feared by all. He lives in a cave protected by firesnakes so as to physically, as well as spiritually, separate himself from the society that detests, yet admires, him. Grendel is "the brute existent by which [humankind] learns to define itself"(Gardner 73). Hrothgar's thanes continually try to extinguish Grendel's infernal rage, while he simply wishes to live in harmony with them. Like Grendel, Frankenstein also learns to live in a society that despises his kind. Frankenstein also must kill, but this is only in response to the people's abhorrence of him. Ironically, the very doctor who bore him now searches the globe seeking Frankenstein's destruction. Even the ever-loving paternal figure now turns away from this outcast from society. Frankenstein journeys to the far reaches of the world to escape from the societal ills that cause society to hate him. He ventures to the harshest, most desolate, most uninhabitable place known to man, the north pole. He lives in isolation, in the cold acceptance of the icy glaciers. Still, Dr. Frankenstein follows, pushing his creation to the edge of the world, hoping he would fall off, never to be seen or heard from again. Frankenstein flees from his father until the Doctor's death, where Frankenstein joins his father in the perpetual, silent acceptance of death.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Twelve Angry Men Essay -- essays research papers

Twelve Angry Men is a very interesting play about an unfortunate young man, who was convicted of killing his dad. The worst part was, the young man was only nineteen, and his life was just starting. The jurors listened to all the evidence, then came the hard part, making the decision: guilty, or innocent. Eleven jurors said guilty and only one said innocent. There was a lot of peer pressure involved. I decided to write about different peer pressures three of the jurors used. The three jurors I picked are juror #10, juror #7, and juror #8.The first juror I want to write about is #10. Juror #10 was using a lot of sarcasm, whenever he was trying to prove his point, or prove someone else wrong. I think that this method of peer pressure is one of the most powerful ones. I believes so, because when you are embarrassed in front of 11 other people (in this case jurors) you do not know, really lowers your self-esteem. It may lower it to the point where you will say guilty, eve though deep down inside, you will feel that the person is innocent. This is a quote I picked to illustrate sarcasm skillfully used by #10: "You're a pretty smart fellow, aren't you?" I think this one sentence could really put anyone down, and make anyone feel embarrassed, and maybe stupid. Another juror I decided to write about is #7. He was muscle flexing most of the time. Muscle flexing means, he was raising his voice, even screaming at everyone, as if he was the boss. Whenever #8 was trying to ...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Book Review Wild Swans Essay

1. Main Thesis In Wild Swans, Jung Chang describes the life of three generations of woman in her family. Beginning in the year 1909 and ending in present time, it gives an insight into almost eighty years of the cultural history of China. Jung Chang has said in a interview that her intention in writing Wild Swans was to show how the Chinese people, and in particular the women in her family, â€Å"fought tenaciously and courageously against impossible odds.† The book is a testimony to the strength and determination of her grandmother, her mother, and herself and their resourcefulness in recreating themselves during suffering, humiliation and disillusionment. She interweaves personal and historical stories fluently and the stories of these women and their families act as a lens through which you gain insight into the turbulent history of twentieth century China. The most important themes in this book are: love of family, loyalty and self-sacrifice 2. Chapter Summaries The book starts by relating the biography of Chang’s grandmother, Yu-fang. After the birth of Chang’s mother, De-hong, the book moves to her story. After the birth of the Jung Chang, the focus of the book now shifts again to cover Jung’s own autobiography. Chapter 1: The father of Yu-fang, was Yang Ru-shan, born in 1894 as the only son. It was his duty to produce heirs to continue the family name. One a year after he married he got a daughter, Yu-fang. Political unrest caused problems for many in China over the next years. He arranges that a powerful warlord general, Xue Zhi-heng takes Yu-Fang as his concubine at age fifteen. The general stays only a few days after the traditional marriage and then leaves, not returning for six years. During his next brief visit, Yu-Fang becomes pregnant. The general’s household is run by his legal wife and the head concubines. The wife immediately lays claim to Yu-Fang’s daughter, who the general named Bao Qin. Yu-Fang kidnaps her daughter and escapes from the household. She lies, saying that the child died during their trip. When the general dies, Yu-Fang discovers that one of his final actions was to release her from her duties as his concubine. Chapter 2: Soon after, Dr. Xia, a matured doctor of Manchurian ancestry, falls in love with Jung’s grandmother and the feelings could be felt the same from Jung Chang’s grandmother as well. The doctor proposes and grandmother says yes. Although not thrilled with the marriage, Jung Chang’s grandmother’s father agrees to the marriage and sends her daughter off with a traditional wedding. When Dr. Xia’s three sons, their wives, and grandchildren hear about the marriage, they’re extremely angry. The grandmother receives quite a bit of harassment from the family and the eldest son even commits suicide, nevertheless the wedding still continues. He accepts Yu-Fang’s daughter, who he renames â€Å"De-hong†, meaning â€Å"virtue† and â€Å"wild swan†. Chapter 3: China is living under Japanese rule. After moving to a new province of Manchuria, Jung Chang’s grandmother, now living with Dr. Xia, begins to realize how terrible life is under the Japanese. The Japanese rulers are very cruel. The people are only allowed to eat acorn meal and sorghum, as the Second World War drags on, fewer rations and supplies are given to the people in Manchuria as Japan is losing the war. Finally, an American B-52 bomber flies overhead and she realizes that Japan had indeed lost the war. As Japan’s last officers commit suicide or run away, the town is in chaos just like the rest of Manchuria. Chapter 4: The Japanese are replaced by Soviets who were almost as bad. They pillaged and raped, taking what they wanted and dismantling entire factories. However, they soon leave and the Kuomintang arrives in shining uniforms and rifles. The Kuomintang turns out to be oppressive and ineffective at keeping justice and peace. The remaining Japanese are systematically murdered by the Russians and the Kuomintang. After a while the country is in a civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communists. De-hong sees communism becoming increasingly important to many people but has yet to make up her own mind about the situation. She continues to watch those in power, including those over the teaching school where she now resides. When she learns that a favorite teacher and then her best friend, Cousin Hu, had been Communists and had been either chased from the city or executed for their political beliefs, she makes up her mind that she, too, will become a Communist. Chapter 5: De-hong asks to be a part of the communist movement but she’s found too young. A short time later, she begins distributing Communist literature. The economic situation is so bad that the family has no savings and Dr. Xia, now nearly eighty, is worried about what will happen when he dies. Extortion is rampant, food is scarce, and the money that does exist has almost no value. De-hong becomes friendly with a Kuomintang general. Using his military freedom, they travel outside the walled city occasionally and De-hong leaves messages for her Communist counterparts.. The Communists then start regular bombardment of the city, including one dud shell that crashes into the home of De-hong’s family. Chapter 6: De-Hong helps clean up the carnage cause by all the civil war. When the communists take over the town, they do not pillage, rape, or extort as all the other groups of people had done before them. Many are courteous and kind and seem to be the fit kind of soldiers who destroyed the Kuomintang. When De-Hong reports to receive her first assignment for the communists, she instantly falls in love with a dreamy man, named Wang Yu, who was a high ranking communist official. He had been on many dangerous missions with the communists and rose through the ranks by being extremely loyal to the party and its ideals of sever equality. The two and several other teachers and students travel by train to another communist held town for fear that the town may be retaken by the Kuomintang and there, the two fall in love. Wang Yu eventually submits a request to â€Å"talk about marriage† to the party leaders and the two are engaged and finally married. Chapter 7: Chang’s parents join a group of people traveling south. The trip is dangerous as civil war is still raging. The walk is long and hard, walking forty days to reach their destination, Nanjing. Her mother is forced to walk but her father is allowed to ride in a jeep, a privilege he accepts. De-hong is soon pregnant though she doesn’t realize it until she’s in the process of miscarrying because of the ordeal. She’s very heartbroken and angry at her husband. After the miscarriage, her parents are separated because of his transfer to Yibin. It takes her four months to recover and then make the trip to him. During that time, her anger has cooled and they are happy to see each other. Chapter 8: When Chang’s parents arrive in Yibin, her father is appointed leader and returns to a form of his former name, Chang Shou-yu. He and her mother live together in a mansion confiscated by the Communists. Chang’s grandmother, Fang-Yu, despite her bound feet and difficulty walking, makes the long trek from Jinzhou to Yibin to see De-hong. De-hong gives birth to her first daughter, Xiao-hong. Chapter 9: This chapter tells of her mom’s life as being in the Public Affairs Department in Yibin. She tells of living with a denouncing of her grandmother, the birth of herself and the strictness of her father. Being part of the Communist was hard and had many of its hardships. Having a husband was harder for her mother than anything else. Chapter 10: Chang’s mother goes under suspicion during the course of this chapter. Being that she had some relations with Kuomintang participants she went under suspicion. But, after all that she had to go through, she was able to be free of any charges. Chapter 11: During this chapter, Mao decides to purge the Communist party again. This time devises that most people are â€Å"rightists† and need to leave the party, which ruin their lives forever. However, he got help this time and made all of his officials get rid of 5 % of their total participants. In the end, Chang’s mother was able to get to this quota after many different approaches of convicting people of being a â€Å"rightist.† Chapter 12: A famine strikes the land of China during this chapter. Many people die and starve from this famine all because Mao decides to make this situation look like their wasn’t a famine at all. Mao wanted to produce steel which led to a drop in production of food which leads to the famine. But, the famine gets cleared after Mao lets others to take charge of the situation. Chapter 13: Chang describes life in a compound during this chapter. Moving into a compound was for Chang and her siblings to go to a very nice and prestigious school. Living in a compound was very contained with its many entertainment locations. There was no need to go outside the compound for any reason. She also tells of how nice her life was as a child, living in a home where she was a good kid and her family noticed that. Chapter 14: This chapter describes the event that occurred with the cult of Mao. Many youths were forced into living like Lei Fang, a man who had a huge fondness for â€Å"Chairman Mao† and living his entire life revolving around him. Education included studying the words of Lei Fang and viewing the beatings of â€Å"class-enemies.† Chapter 15: After hearing about the collapse of Stalin’s Russia, Mao realized that he represented a Stalin figure waiting to be overthrown by his own people. In order to stop this from happening, Mao endorse’s books called â€Å"The Quotations of Chairman Mao†. This book contained his quotes and would be used to strengthen his popularity with the Chinese. In short, Mao’s control over China tightened throughout this chapter. Chapter 16: Not until, chapter 16 did Mao’s rule become apparent. Mao issued the use of Red Guard’s who he said protected and fought for Mao (in other words his own police force). Most of these Red Guards came from the families of high officials and came as teenagers. These Red Guards reinforced Mao’s word and rule and when someone was â€Å"betraying† Mao, he or she would be beaten, raided, tortured, or executed. Chapter 17: Jung Chang’s father starts to question Mao’s actions and asks whether if the actions of the Chinese are justified. Eventually Jung Chang’s father writes a letter to Mao explaining the wrongs of Mao’s actions (which in the words of Mao, was considered â€Å"against Mao† and could face charges such as death). He soon serves time in detention. Also he starts to oppose Mao’s thoughts and expresses them out loud which can lead to very harsh outcomes. Chapter 18: To summarize this chapter, Jung Chang and her friends make a pilgrimage to Peking. The goal of this pilgrimage: to see the Great Chairman Mao. Chapter 19: The control of Mao switches into high gear. Because her parent’s become branded as â€Å"capitalist-roaders† they suffer from many brutal denunciation meetings, beatings, harassment, and embarrassment. They are hurt for their crime of being â€Å"capitalist roaders† and bitterness starts to arise because they were only ever loyal to Mao. Chapter 20: Jung Chang’s father soon serves time in detention (due to sending another letter to Mao) and his wife makes a trip to Peking in order to speak to Premier Zhou Enlai, who she believes could help in their situation. On her way to Peking she meets two lovers Yan and Yong who join her. Finally with the help of Premier Zhou Enlai, Jung Chang’s father no longer served in detention. However, this does not end well. While in detention the guard watching over Jung Chan’s father plays mind games with him and convinces him that his wife created a conspiracy against him. Things got out of hand causing them to sleep in seperate areas and forces Jung Chang’s father’s mental and physical health to deteriorate (which later, his health imporved). Next more denunciation meetings hold misery for the parents. Chapter 21: Chapter 21 discusses some of the events that occured within her family. (her siblings) For example, Xiao-hei’s becomes a member of a gang and Jin-ming’s â€Å"black market† book experience. Along with these events being told, she tells of people drawing lines between their enemies and friends, sometimes causing friends to betray each other. Luckily her friends did not tell on Jung Chang which relates back to the title of the chapter, â€Å"Giving Charcoal in the Snow†, that refers to helping out others when needed. Also in this chapter, Jung Chang experiences her first time in a university. Chapter 22: Within this chapter, Mao institutes the idea of â€Å"thought reform through labor†. The intentions of this quote made Communists all around China to go to the countryside and work alongside the peasants (Jung Chang was sent to Ningnan). Mao said that it would make the Communists closer to China. Sadly, at the end of the chapter, the friend’s of Jung Chang pronounced her grandmother dead. Chapter 23: To summarize this chapter, Jung Chang pursues her career as a â€Å"barefoot doctor†. Mao defined barefoot doctor’s as doctors that could be turned out en masse. However, before she became a barefoot doctor she was relocated to another peasant village, Deyang, where she learns of what happened to China before the Cultural Revolution. Chapter 24: With her entire family on the mission of completing â€Å"thought reform through labor†, Jung Chang decides to visit her parents who can be found in separate locations. Her mother in Buffalo Boy Flatland and her father in a labor camp. While visiting her father, she tries to cheer him up by keeping him company. Eventually other family members come visit which allowed her father to not suffer from suicidal thoughts and whatnot. In the end, Jung Chang’s father apologizes to Jin-ming, her brother, about their current situation and past events. Chapter 25: In this chapter, Jung Chang takes her career in being an electrician. In her factory, she meets Day and eventually they both fall in love. However, it becomes shortlived because of their different social status’. In the end, Jung Chang’s father dies and she enrolls into an english university. Chapter 26: Education in China becomes less stressed, however those who had connections with officials became legible to enter universities, through the process which later became known as using the †back door†. Teachings elements became based on Mao as well as military tactics and defending the country. Chapter 27: This chapter gives rise to the death of Jung Chang’s father. Her father died due to a heart attack which a doctor refused to see immediately. In his honor, an elaborate funeral was held for Jung Chang’s father. After the funeral, Jung Chang’s school decides to go on a field trip to the Chinese port, Zhanjiang, where the students could practice their English with the incoming and outgoing sailors. At the end of the chapter, Jung Chang’s Party secretary announces the death of Chairman Mao. Chapter 28: After the death of Mao, the Chinese become a bit confused on what they should do. The idea of studying in the West became very prominent, as the government handed out scholarships for those wanting to go to the West. The story ends as Jung Chang traveled to the West in search of broadening her horizons and experiencing more freedom.

Community Development

federation victimization readying chew up 1 Understanding the gravest ace concepts of alliance, club nurture & stinting culture pattern Learning Outcomes Explain the attain concepts of t laster base of operations in spatial homework Analyze amicable infrastructure issues in spatial planning describe the various(a) challenges of brotherly infrastructure in spatial planning pr strikeices conjunction versatile definitions ? spate who live within a geographically outlined ara and who countenance social and psychological ties with from each one another(prenominal) and with the fix where they live (Mattessich and Monsey, 2004) ?A baseing of concourse who live tight-fitting to ane other and are united by jet resides and mutual aids (National look Council 1975) These definitions cite to muckle and the ties that bind them, past and to geographic locations It elbow room, without mountain and the connections/ties, friendship volition be only a col lections of constructs and streets. yet club does not inevitably means financial support physically close to one another.It in addition refers to social connections at other than living intrust such as workplace, sports centre, clubs or groups, or political affiliations. corporation bottom also be created done special interest or conditions such as dis efficacy, gender, look In this era of social media (such as FB, Twitter) madness, communities can be created on realistic platform. friendship victimization (CD) partnership Development is defined and described as.. the cloak of exploitation steadfaster communities of people and the social and psychological ties they share. The educational functioning to enable citizens to address problems by group decision-making Involvement in a procedure to achieve correctment in slightly aspect of confederation disembodied spirit in all these processes testament result in an answer which is the mendment of commu nity ceiling. Community upper-case letter Human bully compass generate, skills, experience, capabilities animal(prenominal) bully Buildings, streets, infrastructure pecuniary not bad(p) Community financial institutions, small bestow funds, community suppuration banksEnvironmental not bad(p) pictorial resources, weather, re groundworkal opportunities kindly swell affable Capital Social Capital refers to the magnate of residents to organize and muster their resources for the proceeding of accordant defined goals It refers to the extent to which members of a community can work unneurotic in effect to develop and sustain pie-eyed relationships, brighten problems and make group decisions, and get together effectively to achieve common goalsSocial Capital both(prenominal) scholars make distinction among stick to chapiter and bridging capital soldering capital refers to ties within homogenous groups (e. g. races, gender, people with the homogeneous ec onomic background) Bridging capital refers to ties among antithetical groups Community discipline arrange cognitive content building process maturation the ability to act Social capital great power to act Community organic evolution endpoint victorious action Community onward motion Development ready community economic tuition Community ontogenesis and economic development is highly sinergistic. Community development a think driving to come assets that increase the dexterity of residents to improve their quality of life. The assets include physical, human, social, financial, environmental economical development the process of creating riches through the mobilization of human, financial, capital, physical and graphic resources to return marketable goods and services. The definitions are intelligibly pair community development is to produce and improve assets, economic development is to mobilize these assets which depart bring greater benefits for the comm unity ie. more(prenominal) goods, services, jobs etc. Both types of development are highly dependable on each other as close businesses will look for development-ready communities that are outfit with strong and established communities, good infrastructure, coarse supply of labour, safety, telecommunication etc.Community and economic development chains Community development force winning action Community forward motion Development ready community Economic development outcome Job creation change magnitude income and wealth Increased standard of living Capacity building process Developing the ability to act Social capital Ability to act Economic development process Creating and maintaining ED programs Mobilizing resources The endCommunity DevelopmentCommunity Development Planning Lecture 1 Understanding the key concepts of Community, Community Development & Economic Development Course Learning Outcomes Explain the key concepts of social infrastructure in spatial planning A nalyze social infrastructure issues in spatial planning Identify the various challenges of social infrastructure in spatial planning practices Community Various definitions ? People who live within a geographically defined area and who have social and psychological ties with each other and with the place where they live (Mattessich and Monsey, 2004) ?A grouping of people who live close to one another and are united by common interests and mutual aids (National Research Council 1975) These definitions refer to people and the ties that bind them, then only to geographic locations It means, without people and the connections/ties, community will be only a collections of buildings and streets. However community does not necessarily means living physically close to one another.It also refers to social connections at other than living place such as workplace, sports centre, clubs or groups, or political affiliations. Community can also be created through special interest or conditi ons such as disability, gender, belief In this era of social media (such as FB, Twitter) madness, communities can be created on virtual platform. Community Development (CD) Community Development is defined and described as.. the process of developing stronger communities of people and the social and psychological ties they share. The educational process to enable citizens to address problems by group decision-making Involvement in a process to achieve improvement in some aspect of community life All these processes will result in an outcome which is the improvement of community capital. Community Capital Human Capital Labour supply, skills, experience, capabilities Physical Capital Buildings, streets, infrastructure Financial Capital Community financial institutions, micro loan funds, community development banksEnvironmental Capital Natural resources, weather, recreational opportunities Social Capital Social Capital Social Capital refers to the ability of residents to orga nize and mobilize their resources for the accomplishment of consensual defined goals It refers to the extent to which members of a community can work together effectively to develop and sustain strong relationships, solve problems and make group decisions, and collaborate effectively to achieve common goalsSocial Capital Some scholars make distinction between bonding capital and bridging capital Bonding capital refers to ties within homogenous groups (e. g. races, gender, people with the same economic background) Bridging capital refers to ties among different groups Community development chains Capacity building process Developing the ability to act Social capital Ability to act Community development outcome Taking action Community improvement Development ready communityEconomic development Community development and economic development is highly sinergistic. Community development a planned effort to produce assets that increase the capacity of residents to improve their qua lity of life. The assets include physical, human, social, financial, environmental Economic development the process of creating wealth through the mobilization of human, financial, capital, physical and natural resources to generate marketable goods and services. The definitions are clearly parallel community development is to produce and improve assets, economic development is to mobilize these assets which will bring greater benefits for the community ie. more goods, services, jobs etc. Both types of development are highly dependable on each other as most businesses will look for development-ready communities that are equipped with strong and established communities, good infrastructure, abundant supply of labour, safety, telecommunication etc.Community and economic development chains Community development outcome Taking action Community improvement Development ready community Economic development outcome Job creation Increased income and wealth Increased standard of living Ca pacity building process Developing the ability to act Social capital Ability to act Economic development process Creating and maintaining ED programs Mobilizing resources The end